Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations
Instructions to the candidate and undertaking to be signed by the Student and the Parent:
- The students are expected to be regular to their class work and should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner. They should abide by such rule of discipline and conduct as stipulated by the institution from time to time. 75% attendance is needed to promote for next semester.
- The conduct of the students should be exemplary, not only within the premises of the college but also out side. This will help maintaining prestige and status of the institution.
- Ragging is prohibited. Any student participating in ragging will be summarily expelled from the institution if found indulging in this heinous crime. The first year students are advised to meet in confidence, the Principal and other teachers if they are subjected to ragging by the seniors others. This will help us in tackling this menace which is cognizable offence as for the presidential order. The police can also act on their own if they detect ragging even inside the premises of the college. The recent act of A. P. Legislature specifies sever punishment for indulging in or abetting ragging.
- Fees must be paid in one installment within one week of commencement of I- semester of the year in the college. Fine at Rs. one per day per thousand will be levied for delayed payment upto two weeks delay after which his/her name will be deleted from rolls. Later re-admission fee will be Rs. 500/- in addition to fine dues. Any fees that has been paid once will not be returned on any account. Non-payment of fees will result in forfeiture of his/her admission in the college.
- Students shall not object if their parents or guardians are contacted regarding their indiscipline, irregularity in attending the classes, default in payment of fees and poor performances or failure in examinations or any other matter of concern.
- There is no Hostel facility for boys in the institution. Students are to make their own arrangements for their lodging and boarding. However, the management is happy to provide hostel facility to ladies.
- The college will not defray any expenses for the out – station educational tours. The students may go for industrial tours at their expenses. With regard to out – station tours, they may approach the concerned Head of Department for necessary preparations and organization of the tours. The out – station or local tours are always accompanied by teachers. Arrangement of tours are subject to approval of Principal.
- The students should inform any changes in the addresses of their parents / guardians in the Principal’s office.
- Students of CHIRALA ENGINEERING COLLEGE ARE NOT PERMITTED TO RESORT TO STRIKES AND DEMONSTRATIONS WITHIN THE COLLEGE. Participation in any such activity shall automatically result in dismissal from the college. Any problems they face can be represented to the concerned Heads of the Departments and the principal.
- Any student responsible for bringing outsiders into the college campus for settling student’s disputes will be expelled from the college.
- Smoking, consumption of alcoholic drinks, gambling of any kind is prohibited with in the college premises. Any student found in the college premises in an intoxicated condition at any time will be summarily expelled from the college without any enquiry.
- The parent / guardians of the students should give a written declaration in the form prescribed to the Principal or his nominee in person before admitting the student in the college.
- Cell phone /pages or any electrical devices strictly prohibited in campus
- The institution premises and buildings should be kept clean. Writing or sticking-up of postures and notices on the building walls is strictly prohibited.
- The Principal of the college is the final authority as regards the discipline in the institution and has full powers to suspend, fine, rusticate or take any action which is deemed necessary in the case of any indiscipline on the part of the students.
- Silence shall be observed while inside the institute buildings.
- Students shall not loiter in the campus during instructional hours sitting on steps, staircase or parapet walls prohibited.
- Students shall confine themselves to classrooms and Laboratories during instructional hours.
- En-masse absenteeism of students of a class amounts to indiscipline, which is liable to be fined.
- No students shall enter or leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher.
- I will abide by the rules & regulations of the institution from time to time.
- On any issue not covered above, the decision of the Principal is final.
- We will pay all the fees stipulated by the college authorities from time to time in one installment during the beginning of every academic year. I shall be responsible for the conduct of my ward during his/her study in the institution. I shall visit the institution at regular intervals to enquire about my wards progress and conduct.
- The academic regulations of J N T U to which the collage is affiliated are binding on me. We have gone through the above conditions and will abide by all the conditions failing which the Principal may take any action deemed necessary in the matter.
- We are aware that there is no hostel facility and we hereby assure the principal, we shall not request the college to provide hostel facilities any time during my course of study.